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How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction Near Duluth

April 19, 2024

It’s fairly common for you to detect the indications of alcohol or drug use in someone you love before they do. Having problems dealing with responsibilities, becoming secretive or defensive about using, or looking pale and unhealthy can all be signs of addiction.

But how might you converse with them about this difficult topic? The last thing you want to do is alienate an individual who is struggling with alcohol or drug use disorder. Here’s how to talk to a loved one about addiction near Duluth and how to get them started with recovery.

Plan To Talk About Their Substance Use Where They Will Be Comfortable

Confronting someone you love about their addiction is referred to as an intervention. This is the time when you tell them that you are aware they have an issue and want them to obtain professional support.

Speaking about their disorder will unquestionably be challenging for them. Allow them to feel relaxed by holding the intervention in a familiar setting, like their home or a preferred meeting place. If you would like some assistance, invite other people who know and care about this person. You might also choose an hour when you’ll have plenty of time to talk.

Be Straightforward And Truthful

When discussing addiction, you must be clear. Don’t skirt the matter or use confusing euphemisms. Tell your loved one that you have concerns about their alcohol or drug use. Tell them the red flags of addiction you see, such as keeping things secret, withdrawing from others, avoiding obligations, or participating in unsafe activities. Be forthcoming about the withdrawal symptoms that you’ve seen, like how they get sick and moody when they abstain from their substance. Emphasize that you have concerns about their well-being, care for them, and want to help.

The individual you’re trying to help might respond negatively. No matter how good-naturedly you address them, they may feel angry, ashamed, or embarrassed. Proceed in a firm but civil manner. Don’t argue or yell. Remember, your objective is to help them get better, not feel more inadequate.

Let Them Talk

Your friend or family member could feel ambushed or overburdened if you are the only one talking. Provide them space to answer when they feel compelled to. They may not have much to say in the beginning. Or, they may become quarrelsome. Let them express themselves and avoid passing judgment. Don't push them if they aren’t prepared to participate or accept help. Let them know you’re able to talk when they’re ready, and you will take it up again in the near future.

Establish And Maintain Your Boundaries

A substance use disorder is damaging to more than the person using drugs or alcohol. If your family member’s or friend’s addiction is impacting you, let them know. Establish boundaries to keep it from influencing you even more. That may include telling them you won’t give them money anymore or they aren’t allowed to communicate with impressionable family members until they start recovery. If they oppose those boundaries, hold firm. These restrictions safeguard you and show how serious you are about the issue.

Make An Offer To Help Them Get Treatment

Getting treatment for addiction is intimidating, so make an offer to help your friend or family member. This is one of the most essential aspects of how to talk to a loved one about their addiction near Duluth. Research substance use treatment facilities and come prepared with the details you find. Offer to make the phone call, give them a ride, or help cover the cost of care, if you can. If they refuse treatment today, tell them you’ll keep the information you found and help them the moment they’re prepared to move forward.

Learn More About How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction Near Duluth

Need help locating alcohol or drug use treatment for someone you care about? Sunrise Detox Duluth is your trusted local substance use treatment facility. Call us at 470-327-8336 or complete the form below to talk with us now about getting started. We take calls day or night, 365 days a year. We’re here for you and the person you care about whenever you need us.